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Adding Extra Tabs

Added in version 1.4.0

In order for any extra tabs to work properly, the "url" key must reference a view which inherits from the nautobot.apps.views.ObjectView class and the template must extend the object's detail template such as:

<!-- example_plugin/tab_device_detail_1.html -->
{% extends 'dcim/device.html' %}

{% block content %}
    <h2>Device App Tab 1</h2>
    <p>I am some content for the example plugin's device ({{ }}) detail tab 1.</p>
{% endblock %}

Here's a basic example of a tab's view

from nautobot.apps.views import ObjectView
from nautobot.dcim.models import Device

class DeviceDetailAppTabOne(ObjectView):
    This view's template extends the device detail template,
    making it suitable to show as a tab on the device detail page.

    Views that are intended to be for an object detail tab's content rendering must
    always inherit from nautobot.apps.views.ObjectView.

    queryset = Device.objects.all()
    template_name = "example_plugin/tab_device_detail_1.html"

You must also add the view to the url_patterns like so (make sure to read the note after this code snippet):

from django.urls import path

from example_plugin import views

urlpatterns = [
    # ... previously defined urls
    path("devices/<uuid:pk>/example-plugin-tab-1/", views.DeviceDetailAppTabOne.as_view(), name="device_detail_tab_1"),


For added tab views, we recommend for consistency that you follow the URL pattern established by the base model detail view and tabs (if any). For example, nautobot/dcim/ references Device tab views with the URL pattern devices/<uuid:pk>/TAB-NAME/, so above we have followed that same pattern.