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Exceptions for Nautobot apps.


Bases: Exception

An exception used to trigger a database transaction rollback.

Source code in nautobot/core/
class AbortTransaction(Exception):
    An exception used to trigger a database transaction rollback.


Bases: APIException

Indicates the temporary inability to enqueue a new Celery task (e.g. custom script execution) because no Celery worker processes are currently running.

Source code in nautobot/core/
class CeleryWorkerNotRunningException(APIException):
    Indicates the temporary inability to enqueue a new Celery task (e.g. custom script execution) because
    no Celery worker processes are currently running.

    status_code = status.HTTP_503_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE
    default_detail = (
        f"Unable to process request: No celery workers running on queue {settings.CELERY_TASK_DEFAULT_QUEUE}."
    default_code = "celery_worker_not_running"

    def __init__(self, queue=None):
        if queue:
            detail = f"Unable to process request: No celery workers running on queue {queue}."
            detail = self.default_detail


Bases: Exception

An exception indicating that a filterset field could not be found.

Source code in nautobot/core/
class FilterSetFieldNotFound(Exception):
    An exception indicating that a filterset field could not be found.


Bases: Exception

General purpose exception class for failures raised when secret value access fails.

Source code in nautobot/extras/secrets/
class SecretError(Exception):
    """General purpose exception class for failures raised when secret value access fails."""

    def __init__(self, secret, provider_class, message, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(message, *args, **kwargs)
        self.secret = secret
        # provider_class can be a SecretsProvider class or just a descriptive string.
        if isinstance(provider_class, type):
            self.provider_class = provider_class
            self.provider = provider_class.__name__
            self.provider_class = None
            self.provider = str(provider_class)
        self.message = message

    def __str__(self):
        return f'{self.__class__.__name__}: Secret "{self.secret}" (provider "{self.provider}"): {self.message}'


Bases: SecretError

Exception raised when a Secret record's parameters are incorrectly specified.

Normally this should be caught during input validation of the Secret record, but in the case of direct ORM access bypassing the usual clean() functionality, it's possible to create a mis-defined Secret which would trigger this exception upon access.

Source code in nautobot/extras/secrets/
class SecretParametersError(SecretError):
    """Exception raised when a Secret record's parameters are incorrectly specified.

    Normally this should be caught during input validation of the Secret record, but in the case of direct
    ORM access bypassing the usual clean() functionality, it's possible to create a mis-defined Secret which
    would trigger this exception upon access.


Bases: SecretError

General purpose exception class for failures that indicate that a secrets provider is not working correctly.

Source code in nautobot/extras/secrets/
class SecretProviderError(SecretError):
    """General purpose exception class for failures that indicate that a secrets provider is not working correctly."""


Bases: SecretError, KeyError

Exception raised when a secrets provider is operating normally but a specific requested secret is not found.

Source code in nautobot/extras/secrets/
class SecretValueNotFoundError(SecretError, KeyError):
    """Exception raised when a secrets provider is operating normally but a specific requested secret is not found."""


Bases: Exception

An exception indicating that a detail view config is invalid.

Source code in nautobot/core/
class ViewConfigException(Exception):
    An exception indicating that a detail view config is invalid.