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Nautobot classes and utilities for factory boy.


Bases: DjangoModelFactory

Base class for all Nautobot model factories.

Source code in nautobot/core/
class BaseModelFactory(DjangoModelFactory):
    """Base class for all Nautobot model factories."""

    id = UniqueFaker("uuid4")

    def _create(cls, model_class, *args, **kwargs):
        """Override default DjangoModelFactory behavior to call validated_save() instead of just save()."""
        using = kwargs.pop("using", cls._meta.database)
        obj = model_class(*args, **kwargs)
        return obj


Bases: factory.Iterator

Factory iterator that returns a semi-random sampling of boolean values

Iterator that returns a random sampling of True and False values while limiting the number of repeated values in a given number of iterations. Used in factories when a data set must contain both True and False values.


Name Type Description Default
cycle boolean

If True, iterator will restart at the beginning when all values are exhausted. Otherwise raise a StopIterator exception when values are exhausted. Defaults to True.

chance_of_getting_true int

Percentage (0-100) of the values in the returned iterable set to True. Defaults to 50.

length int

Length of the returned iterable. Defaults to 8.

Source code in nautobot/core/
class NautobotBoolIterator(factory.Iterator):
    """Factory iterator that returns a semi-random sampling of boolean values

    Iterator that returns a random sampling of True and False values while limiting
    the number of repeated values in a given number of iterations. Used in factories
    when a data set must contain both True and False values.

        cycle (boolean): If True, iterator will restart at the beginning when all values are
            exhausted. Otherwise raise a `StopIterator` exception when values are exhausted.
            Defaults to True.
        chance_of_getting_true (int): Percentage (0-100) of the values in the returned iterable
            set to True. Defaults to 50.
        length (int): Length of the returned iterable. Defaults to 8.

    def _nautobot_boolean_iterator_sample(self, chance_of_getting_true, length):
        iterator = list(itertools.repeat(True, int(length * chance_of_getting_true / 100)))
        iterator += list(itertools.repeat(False, length - len(iterator)))
        return iterator

    def __init__(
        super().__init__(None, cycle=cycle, getter=getter)

        if cycle:
            self.iterator_builder = lambda: factory.utils.ResetableIterator(
                itertools.cycle(self._nautobot_boolean_iterator_sample(chance_of_getting_true, length))
            self.iterator_builder = lambda: factory.utils.ResetableIterator(
                self._nautobot_boolean_iterator_sample(chance_of_getting_true, length)


Bases: BaseProvider

Faker provider to generate fake data specific to Nautobot or network automation use cases.

Source code in nautobot/core/
class NautobotFakerProvider(BaseProvider):
    """Faker provider to generate fake data specific to Nautobot or network automation use cases."""

    def ipv6_network(self) -> str:
        """Produce a random IPv6 network with a valid CIDR greater than 0"""
        address = str(IPv6Address(self.generator.random.randint(0, (2**IPV6LENGTH) - 1)))
        address += "/" + str(self.generator.random.randint(1, IPV6LENGTH))
        address = str(IPv6Network(address, strict=False))
        return address


Produce a random IPv6 network with a valid CIDR greater than 0

Source code in nautobot/core/
def ipv6_network(self) -> str:
    """Produce a random IPv6 network with a valid CIDR greater than 0"""
    address = str(IPv6Address(self.generator.random.randint(0, (2**IPV6LENGTH) - 1)))
    address += "/" + str(self.generator.random.randint(1, IPV6LENGTH))
    address = str(IPv6Network(address, strict=False))
    return address


Bases: BaseModelFactory

Factory base class for OrganizationalModel subclasses.

Source code in nautobot/core/
class OrganizationalModelFactory(BaseModelFactory):
    """Factory base class for OrganizationalModel subclasses."""


Bases: BaseModelFactory

Factory base class for PrimaryModel subclasses.

Source code in nautobot/core/
class PrimaryModelFactory(BaseModelFactory):
    """Factory base class for PrimaryModel subclasses."""

    # TODO random created/last_updated values?
    # TODO random custom_field data?
    # TODO random relationships?
    # TODO random dynamic-groups?
    # TODO random notes?

    def tags(self, create, extracted, **kwargs):
        if create:
            if extracted:


Bases: factory.Faker

Source code in nautobot/core/
class UniqueFaker(factory.Faker):

    def _get_faker(cls, locale=None):
        return super()._get_faker(locale=locale).unique

    def clear(self, locale=None):
        subfaker = self._get_faker(locale)

nautobot.apps.factory.get_random_instances(model_or_queryset_or_lambda, minimum=0, maximum=None)

Factory helper - retrieve a random number of instances of the given model.

This is different from random_instance() in that it's not itself a lazy function generator, but should instead be called only from within a @lazy_attribute or @post_generation function.

This is not an evenly weighted distribution (all counts equally likely), because in most of our code, the relevant code paths distinguish between 0, 1, or >1 instances - there's not a functional difference between "2 instances" and "10 instances" in most cases. Therefore, this implementation provides: - 1/3 chance of no instances - 1/3 chance of 1 instance - 1/3 chance of (2 to n) instances, where each possibility is equally likely within this range


Name Type Description Default
model_or_queryset_or_lambda Union[BaseModel, QuerySet, func]

Either a model class, a model queryset, or a lambda that returns one of those

minimum int

Minimum number of objects to return

maximum int

Maximum number of objects to return, or None for no limit

Source code in nautobot/core/
def get_random_instances(model_or_queryset_or_lambda, minimum=0, maximum=None):
    Factory helper - retrieve a random number of instances of the given model.

    This is different from random_instance() in that it's not itself a lazy function generator, but should instead be
    called only from within a @lazy_attribute or @post_generation function.

    This is not an evenly weighted distribution (all counts equally likely), because in most of our code,
    the relevant code paths distinguish between 0, 1, or >1 instances - there's not a functional difference between
    "2 instances" and "10 instances" in most cases. Therefore, this implementation provides:
        - 1/3 chance of no instances
        - 1/3 chance of 1 instance
        - 1/3 chance of (2 to n) instances, where each possibility is equally likely within this range

        model_or_queryset_or_lambda (Union[BaseModel, QuerySet, func]): Either a model class, a model queryset, or a lambda that returns one of those
        minimum (int): Minimum number of objects to return
        maximum (int): Maximum number of objects to return, or None for no limit
    branch = factory.random.randgen.randint(0, 2)
    queryset = _get_queryset_from_model_or_queryset_or_lambda(model_or_queryset_or_lambda)
    count = queryset.count()
    if maximum is None:
        maximum = count
    if any([branch == 0 and minimum == 0, count == 0, maximum == 0]):
        return []
    if any([branch == 1 and minimum <= 1, count == 1, maximum == 1]):
        return [factory.random.randgen.choice(queryset)]
    return factory.random.randgen.sample(
        k=factory.random.randgen.randint(max(2, minimum), min(maximum, count)),

nautobot.apps.factory.random_instance(model_or_queryset_or_lambda, allow_null=True)

Factory helper - construct a LazyFunction that gets a random instance of the given model or queryset when evaluated.

TODO: once we have factories for all mandatory foreign keys, change allow_null default to False


Name Type Description Default
model_or_queryset_or_lambda Union[BaseModel, QuerySet, func]

Either a model class, a model queryset, or a lambda that returns one of those

allow_null bool

If False, and the given queryset contains no objects, raise a RuntimeError.


class ObjectFactory(DjangoModelFactory): class Meta: model = Object exclude = ("has_group,")

# Required foreign key
user = random_instance(User, allow_null=False)

# Optional foreign key
has_group = NautobotBoolIterator()
group = factory.Maybe("has_group", random_instance(Group), None)

# Foreign key selected from a filtered queryset
tenant = random_instance(Tenant.objects.filter(group__isnull=False))

# Foreign key selected from a queryset generated by a lambda
# This needs to be done this way because .get_for_model() evaluates a ContentType queryset,
# and we need to defer evaluation of that queryset as well.
status = random_instance(lambda: Status.objects.get_for_model(Object), allow_null=False)
Source code in nautobot/core/
def random_instance(model_or_queryset_or_lambda, allow_null=True):
    Factory helper - construct a LazyFunction that gets a random instance of the given model or queryset when evaluated.

    TODO: once we have factories for all mandatory foreign keys, change allow_null default to False

        model_or_queryset_or_lambda (Union[BaseModel, QuerySet, func]): Either a model class, a model queryset, or a lambda that returns one of those
        allow_null (bool): If False, and the given queryset contains no objects, raise a RuntimeError.

        class ObjectFactory(DjangoModelFactory):
            class Meta:
                model = Object
                exclude = ("has_group,")

            # Required foreign key
            user = random_instance(User, allow_null=False)

            # Optional foreign key
            has_group = NautobotBoolIterator()
            group = factory.Maybe("has_group", random_instance(Group), None)

            # Foreign key selected from a filtered queryset
            tenant = random_instance(Tenant.objects.filter(group__isnull=False))

            # Foreign key selected from a queryset generated by a lambda
            # This needs to be done this way because .get_for_model() evaluates a ContentType queryset,
            # and we need to defer evaluation of that queryset as well.
            status = random_instance(lambda: Status.objects.get_for_model(Object), allow_null=False)

    def get_random_instance():
        queryset = _get_queryset_from_model_or_queryset_or_lambda(model_or_queryset_or_lambda)

        if not allow_null and not queryset.exists():
            raise RuntimeError(f"No objects in queryset for {model_or_queryset_or_lambda}! {queryset.explain()}")

        return factory.random.randgen.choice(queryset) if queryset.exists() else None

    return factory.LazyFunction(get_random_instance)